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VTN Test, DoE Test or CVRT?

Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness (CVR) reform

The RSA is now responsible for the overall supervision of the Commercial vehicle roadworthiness testing system. This is part of the overall implementation of the Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness (CVR) reform program.

VTN Test or DoE Test

The actual test is now called a Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (CVRT) but is still commonly referred to as the VTN test or a DoE (Department of Environment) Test.

Garahys is part of the network of commercial vehicle testing centres which are called Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test Operators also known as Vehicle Testing Network (VTN). This is a network of independently owned test centres currently licensed by the Road Safety Authority and are completely separate from the National Car Testing Service (NCT) network which only test cars.